Change Point

I cannot believe it has been almost eighteen days since I posted. I was busy working and training over that time although not with coach. I started training with coach three days ago and was doing great and had one of my best workouts and while on bars I did a monster rip on my hands about four layers deep right across the major crease of the palm. Normally after two or three days I can train bars again. Not this time the rip split and split and just is taking ages to heal.

Coach now has me training my new beam routine and I love it. It includes a stag handstand, eventually a back walkover and a Front Tuck dismount. The mount is very tough to do but with drilling I should get there. I LOVE the front tuck dismount and stag handstand. You will be able to see these under Episode 157 of GOLD: Trials and Tribs of an Olympic Gymnast on the blog. Now that I am doing tumbling dismounts off the beam it seems like I have hit a change point where I can never look at the beam the same again.

My back walkovers are doing great and I got to 21,22 and 25 down at LA Fitness so my back keeps opening up and allowing little miracles to happen. Docs adjustments keep it in great shape and I love seeing her. It gives me such confidence.

On the bars I am doing somersault dismounts again (which is what caused the rip) now that we have the pit. I will get back to doing these smoothly so I can complete my Level 6 Bar Routine. It is taking a lot longer than I anticipated.

I may have to change out the Back Extension Roll because it is holding me back at the moment on Floor. Back Walkover is a given as part of the floor routine now so that is great news. Front Handspring is coming along and there is no fear doing it which is great it jsut comes down to consistency.

We are starting working on layouts so coach wants to me tumble into the pit. When you are tumbling towards it though it appears you are going over a cliff. It took me most of of session to get the confidence to tumble and end up within three feet of the pit. It also took a heavy toll on my body.

So overall I am doing great. Loving the progress, frustrated at the slow progress in some areas but watching my body change, skills improve and having so much fun. Life is great and I feel blessed every day. Go Heroes!!

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